{"version":3,"file":"PremiumPricingGuide-6ubfrxEw.js","sources":["../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/shared/StripeSubscriptionCheckoutSessionButton.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/premium/premium_minis/basic_pricing_mini.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/premium/premium_minis/school_pricing_mini.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/premium/premium_minis/teacher_pricing_mini.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/premium/premium_pricing_minis_row.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/premium/school_premium.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/premium/subscriber_logos.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/scorebook/premium_banners/new_signup_banner.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/scorebook/premium_banners/free_trial_banner.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/scorebook/premium_banners/free_trial_status.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/components/scorebook/premium_banners/premium_banner_builder.jsx","../../../client/app/bundles/Teacher/containers/PremiumPricingGuide.jsx"],"sourcesContent":["import React from 'react';\n\nimport { requestPost } from '../../../../modules/request';\n\nexport const StripeSubscriptionCheckoutSessionButton = ({\n buttonClassName,\n buttonId,\n buttonText,\n cancelPath,\n customerEmail,\n schoolIds,\n stripePriceId,\n userIsEligibleForNewSubscription,\n userIsSignedIn\n}) => {\n\n const handleClick = () => {\n if (!userIsSignedIn) {\n alert('You must be logged in to activate Premium.')\n } else if (!userIsEligibleForNewSubscription) {\n alert(\n \"You have an active subscription and cannot buy premium now. If your subscription is a school subscription, you may buy Premium when it expires. If your subscription is a teacher one, please turn on recurring payments and we will renew it automatically when your subscription ends.\"\n )\n } else {\n const path = '/stripe_integration/subscription_checkout_sessions'\n const data = {\n cancel_path: cancelPath,\n customer_email: customerEmail,\n ...(schoolIds && { school_ids: schoolIds }),\n stripe_price_id: stripePriceId\n }\n\n requestPost(path, data, body => { window.location.replace(body.redirect_url) })\n }\n }\n\n return (\n \n {buttonText}\n \n )\n}\n\nexport default StripeSubscriptionCheckoutSessionButton\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport IndividualFeaturesTable from './individual_features_table';\n\nconst getStartedButton = (userIsSignedIn) => {\n if (userIsSignedIn) { return }\n\n return Get started\n}\n\nconst BasicPricingMini = ({ userIsSignedIn, premiumFeatureData, }) => (\n





Free forever

\n {getStartedButton(userIsSignedIn)}\n
\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default BasicPricingMini\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport IndividualFeaturesTable from './individual_features_table';\n\nconst greenCheckSrc = `${process.env.CDN_URL}/images/icons/icons-check-green.svg`\n\nconst SchoolPricingMini = ({ plan, premiumFeatureData, showBadges, handleClickPurchasingOptions, }) => (\n\n

School and District Premium




Per school, per year

\n \n Purchasing options\n \n

Request Quote or Buy Now

\n {showBadges &&
\"Check Quill Academy
\"Check Premium Hub
\"Check Custom reports
\n \n
\n);\n\nexport default SchoolPricingMini\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport IndividualFeaturesTable from './individual_features_table';\n\nexport default class TeacherPricingMini extends React.Component {\n render() {\n const { buyNowButton, plan, premiumFeatureData} = this.props\n\n return (\n





Per teacher, per year

\n {buyNowButton()}\n

Pay with Credit Card

\n\n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport { premiumFeatures, } from './premium_features_data';\nimport BasicPricingMini from './premium_minis/basic_pricing_mini.jsx';\nimport SchoolPricingMini from './premium_minis/school_pricing_mini.jsx';\nimport TeacherPricingMini from './premium_minis/teacher_pricing_mini.jsx';\n\nconst MOBILE_WIDTH = 991\nconst VERTICAL_INTERSECTION_OF_PREMIUM_PRICING_ROW_AND_TABLE = 337\n\nexport default class PremiumPricingMinisRow extends React.Component {\n state = {\n subscriptionType: null,\n subscriptionStatus: null,\n userIsSignedIn: !!Number(document.getElementById('current-user-id').getAttribute('content')),\n isScrolled: false\n };\n\n componentDidMount() {\n window.addEventListener('scroll', this.listenScrollEvent)\n }\n\n listenScrollEvent = e => {\n const { isScrolled, } = this.state\n if (window.scrollY > VERTICAL_INTERSECTION_OF_PREMIUM_PRICING_ROW_AND_TABLE && !isScrolled && window.innerWidth > MOBILE_WIDTH) {\n this.setState({isScrolled: true})\n } else if (window.scrollY < VERTICAL_INTERSECTION_OF_PREMIUM_PRICING_ROW_AND_TABLE && isScrolled) {\n this.setState({isScrolled: false})\n }\n }\n\n render() {\n const {\n diagnosticActivityCount,\n lessonsActivityCount,\n independentPracticeActivityCount,\n stripeSchoolPlan,\n stripeTeacherPlan,\n teacherBuyNowButton,\n onClickPurchasingOptions,\n } = this.props\n\n const { userIsSignedIn, isScrolled, } = this.state\n\n const premiumFeatureData = premiumFeatures({\n diagnosticActivityCount,\n lessonsActivityCount,\n independentPracticeActivityCount\n })\n\n return (\n \n

Choose the plan that's right for you


As a nonprofit dedicated to helping students, Quill will always provide 100% of our activities for free.

\n \n \n \n
\n );\n }\n}\n","import React from 'react'\n\nconst baseImageLink = `${process.env.CDN_URL}/images/pages/premium`\n\nconst blueSchoolCircleSrc = `${baseImageLink}/illustrations-blue-school-circle.svg`\n\nconst teacherReportsSrc = `${baseImageLink}/illustrations-teacher-reports.svg`\nconst schoolDashboardSrc = `${baseImageLink}/illustrations-school-dashboard.svg`\nconst schoolSupportSrc = `${baseImageLink}/illustrations-school-support.svg`\n\nconst studentCompletingDiagnosticSrc = `${baseImageLink}/student-completing-diagnostic.webp`\nconst backwardsPlanningSrc = `${baseImageLink}/backwards-planning-book.webp`\nconst premiumReportLaptopSrc = `${baseImageLink}/premium-report-laptop.webp`\n\nconst erikaSrc = `${baseImageLink}/coach-erika.webp`\nconst shannonSrc = `${baseImageLink}/coach-shannon.webp`\n\nconst PremiumFeature = ({ imageSrc, imageAlt, header, text, popular, subheader, }) => (\n
\n {imageAlt}\n {popular &&


\n {subheader}\n


\n)\n\nconst TopicExplored = ({color, imgSrc, imgAlt, text}) => (\n
\n {imgAlt}\n


\n)\n\nconst actionableFeaturesAndSupport = (\n

Actionable features and support

\n \n \n \n
\n)\n\nconst professionalDevelopmentSessions = (\n

Professional development sessions


Quill Premium for schools and districts includes live virtual workshop-style training and an asynchronous course library.

\n \n \n \n
\n)\n\nconst topicsExplored = (\n

What are some topics explored?

\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n)\n\nconst coachingSessions = (\n

What are people saying?

\n)\n\nconst testimonials = (\n

Totally personalized! I told the Quill coach my background and what my familiarity with Quill was, and she was able to walk me through exactly what I needed. Also appreciate that she could show me with her screen, walking through my classes with me.

\n Teacher, Glacier View Junior High School\n

I appreciated the time given to analyze our own data while in the training.

\n Teacher, Meeting Street Elementary at Burns\n

Our Quill coach is a really engaging facilitator! I appreciated her expertise and the built-in work time.

\n Director of Academics, Thurgood Marshall\n

I appreciated the facilitator's responsiveness to the needs specific to our network. I also appreciate the thoughtfulness of applying Quill remotely.

\n Administrator, Mastery Charter Schools\n

Our Quill coach was very knowledgeable and friendly. I felt as though I could ask her anything and there would be no judgement!!

\n Teacher, Union High School\n
\n)\n\nconst coachingTeam = (\n

Meet the coaching team

\n 15+ years in Education, Former MS English teacher and Academic Dean]}\n text=\"Expert in culturally responsive teaching practices, writing in the content areas and helping teachers practically use tools to facilitate learning through writing\"\n />\n 15+ years in Education, Former HS English Teacher and Director of Instruction]}\n text=\"Expert in data-informed instructional strategies and prioritizing the needs of special populations in writing practice routines\"\n />\n
\n)\n\nconst SchoolPremium = () => {\n return(\n
\n \"Illustration\n

School and District Premium


We offer School Premium site licenses that provide access for all teachers at a school to both our free and teacher premium features. In addition, we offer school-wide professional development, administrative oversight and reporting, and individualized, ongoing support from our School Partnerships team.

\n {actionableFeaturesAndSupport}\n {professionalDevelopmentSessions}\n {topicsExplored}\n {coachingSessions}\n {testimonials}\n {coachingTeam}\n
\n );\n};\n\nexport default SchoolPremium;\n\nSchoolPremium.displayName = 'SchoolPremium'\n","import React from 'react';\nexport default class SubscriberLogos extends React.Component {\n mapLogos = () => {\n const { subscribers, } = this.props\n const logos = subscribers.map(function(subscriber, index) {\n return (\n
\n {subscriber.name}\n
\n );\n });\n return logos;\n };\n\n render() {\n return (\n

Trusted by some of the best schools

\n {this.mapLogos()}\n
\n );\n }\n}\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport { PostNavigationBanner } from '../../../../Shared';\n\n\nexport default class NewSignUpBanner extends React.Component {\n stateSpecificComponents = () => {\n const { status } = this.props\n\n if (status === 'trial') {\n return

Success! You started your 30 day trial

\n } else {\n return

Success! You now have Premium

\n }\n };\n\n render() {\n const { stats } = this.props\n\n const headerText = stats === 'trial' ? \"Success! You started your 30 day trial\" : \"Success! You now have Premium\"\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n","import React from 'react';\n\nimport NewSignUpBanner from './new_signup_banner.jsx';\n\nimport { PostNavigationBanner } from '../../../../Shared';\nimport { requestPost } from '../../../../../modules/request/index';\n\n\nexport default class FreeTrialBanner extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props)\n\n this.state = { trialStarted: false, };\n }\n\n beginTrial = () => {\n requestPost('/subscriptions', { subscription: { account_type: 'Teacher Trial', }, }, () => {\n this.setState({ trialStarted: true, })\n })\n }\n\n render() {\n const { trialStarted, } = this.state\n\n if (trialStarted) {\n return ();\n }\n return (\n \n );\n }\n}\n","import * as React from 'react';\n\nimport { PostNavigationBanner } from '../../../../Shared';\n\n\nconst FreeTrialStatus = ({ status, originPage, upgradeToPremiumNow, lastSubscriptionWasTrial, data, }) => {\n\n const headerText = status === 'trial' ? `You have ${data} days left in your trial.` : `Your Premium ${lastSubscriptionWasTrial ? 'Trial' : 'Subscription'} Has Expired`\n\n const upgradeButton = () => {\n if (originPage === 'premium') {\n return {\n onClick: upgradeToPremiumNow,\n standardButtonStyle: true,\n text: \"Upgrade to Premium Now\",\n target: \"\"\n }\n } else {\n return {\n href: \"/premium\",\n standardButtonStyle: true,\n text: \"Upgrade to Premium Now\",\n target: \"\"\n }\n }\n }\n\n return (\n \n );\n}\n\nexport default FreeTrialStatus\n","import $ from 'jquery'\nimport React from 'react'\n\nimport FreeTrialBanner from './free_trial_banner.jsx'\nimport FreeTrialStatus from './free_trial_status.jsx'\nimport NewSignUpBanner from './new_signup_banner.jsx'\n\nexport default class PremiumBannerBuilder extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props)\n\n this.state = {\n has_premium: null,\n trial_days_remaining: null,\n first_day_of_premium_or_trial: null\n };\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n this.fetchData();\n }\n\n fetchData = () => {\n let that = this;\n $.get('/teachers/classrooms/premium')\n .done(function(data) {\n that.setState({\n last_subscription_was_trial: data.last_subscription_was_trial,\n has_premium: data['hasPremium'],\n trial_days_remaining: data['trial_days_remaining'],\n first_day_of_premium_or_trial: data['first_day_of_premium_or_trial']});});\n };\n\n stateSpecificComponents = () => {\n const { has_premium, first_day_of_premium_or_trial, trial_days_remaining, last_subscription_was_trial, } = this.state\n\n const { originPage, upgradeToPremiumNow } = this.props\n if (has_premium === 'none'){\n return();\n }\n else if (first_day_of_premium_or_trial ){\n return();\n }\n else if ((has_premium === 'trial') || (has_premium === 'locked')){\n return(\n \n \n \n );\n }\n else if ((has_premium === 'school') || ((has_premium === 'paid') && (first_day_of_premium_or_trial === false))) {\n return ();\n }\n };\n\n hasPremium = () => {\n const { has_premium, first_day_of_premium_or_trial, } = this.state\n if ((has_premium === null) || (has_premium === 'school') || ((has_premium === 'paid') && (first_day_of_premium_or_trial === false))) {\n return ();\n } else\n {\n return (\n
\n {this.stateSpecificComponents()}\n
\n );\n }\n };\n\n render() {\n return (this.hasPremium());\n\n }\n}\n","import qs from 'qs';\nimport React from 'react';\n\nimport useSnackbarMonitor from '../../Shared/hooks/useSnackbarMonitor';\nimport { Snackbar, defaultSnackbarTimeout, } from '../../Shared/index';\nimport PremiumFeaturesTable from '../components/premium/premium_features_table.tsx';\nimport PremiumPricingMinisRow from '../components/premium/premium_pricing_minis_row.jsx';\nimport SchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal, { SCHOOL_SELECTION_STAGE, } from '../components/premium/school_and_district_premium_modal';\nimport SchoolPremium from '../components/premium/school_premium.jsx';\nimport SubscriberLogos from '../components/premium/subscriber_logos.jsx';\nimport PremiumBannerBuilder from '../components/scorebook/premium_banners/premium_banner_builder.jsx';\nimport StripeSubscriptionCheckoutSessionButton from '../components/shared/StripeSubscriptionCheckoutSessionButton';\n\nimport { requestPost } from '../../../modules/request';\n\n\nconst subscribers = [\n { name: 'Achievement first school logo', source: '/images/subscribers/1_achievement.png', id: 'achievement-first'},\n { name: 'KIPP: SF school logo', source: '/images/subscribers/2_kipp_sf.png', id: 'kipp-sf'},\n { name: 'KIPP: DC school logo', source: '/images/subscribers/3_kipp_dc.png', id: 'kipp-dc'},\n { name: 'KIPP: LA school logo', source: '/images/subscribers/4_kipp_la.png', id: 'kipp-la'},\n { name: 'Rocketship school logo', source: '/images/subscribers/5_kipp_rocketship.png', id: 'rocketship'},\n { name: 'Houston Independent School District logo', source: '/images/subscribers/6_houston.png', id: 'houston'},\n { name: 'Des Moines Public Schools logo', source: '/images/subscribers/7_desmoines.png', id: 'desmoines'},\n { name: 'Richmond Virginia Public Schools logo', source: '/images/subscribers/8_richmond.png', id: 'richmond'},\n { name: 'Putnam County Board of Education logo', source: '/images/subscribers/9_putnam.png', id: 'putnam'},\n { name: 'Elizabeth Public Schools logo', source: '/images/subscribers/10_elizabeth.png', id: 'elizabeth'},\n { name: 'North Thurston Public Schools logo', source: '/images/subscribers/11_thurston.png', id: 'thurston'},\n { name: 'Lead Public Schools logo', source: '/images/subscribers/12_lead.png', id: 'lead'},\n { name: 'Trinity Episcopal School logo', source: '/images/subscribers/13_trinity.png', id: 'trinity'},\n { name: 'Kuemper school logo', source: '/images/subscribers/14_kuemper.png', id: 'kuemper'},\n { name: 'Jordan School District logo', source: '/images/subscribers/15_jodan.png', id: 'jordan'},\n { name: 'Princeton Public Schools logo', source: '/images/subscribers/16_princeton.png', id: 'princeton'}\n]\n\nconst AlreadyHasPremiumModal = ({ type, close, }) => (\n

You already have a {type} subscription.


Please visit the My Subscriptions page to learn more.

\n \n
\n)\n\nconst LoginToPurchaseModal = ({ close }) => (\n

Log in to purchase


Please log in to your Quill account to purchase Teacher Premium.

\n \n
\n)\n\nexport const PremiumPricingGuide = ({\n customerEmail,\n diagnosticActivityCount,\n independentPracticeActivityCount,\n lessonsActivityCount,\n associatedSchools,\n eligibleSchools,\n stripeSchoolPlan,\n stripeTeacherPlan,\n userIsEligibleForNewSubscription,\n}) => {\n const openModalToSchoolSelection = window.location && qs.parse(window.location.search.replace('?', ''))[SCHOOL_SELECTION_STAGE]\n const [showSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal, setShowSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal] = React.useState(!!openModalToSchoolSelection)\n const [showAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal, setShowAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal] = React.useState(false)\n const [showAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal, setShowAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal] = React.useState(false)\n const [showLoginToPurchaseModal, setShowLoginToPurchaseModal] = React.useState(false)\n const [showSnackbar, setShowSnackbar] = React.useState(false)\n\n useSnackbarMonitor(showSnackbar, setShowSnackbar, defaultSnackbarTimeout)\n\n const userIsSignedIn = () => {\n return !!Number(document.getElementById('current-user-id').getAttribute('content'))\n }\n\n function closeSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal() { setShowSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal(false) }\n\n function openSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal() { setShowSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal(true) }\n\n function closeAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal() { setShowAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal(false) }\n\n function openAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal() { setShowAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal(true) }\n\n function closeAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal() { setShowAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal(false) }\n\n function openAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal() { setShowAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal(true) }\n\n function toggleLoginToPurchaseModal() { setShowLoginToPurchaseModal(!showLoginToPurchaseModal) }\n\n function handleNotListedSelection() {\n setShowSnackbar(true)\n closeSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal()\n }\n\n function handleAlreadyPremiumSchoolSelection() {\n closeSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal()\n openAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal()\n }\n\n function handleClickPurchasingOptions() {\n if (associatedSchools.length && !eligibleSchools.length) {\n openAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal()\n } else {\n openSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal()\n }\n }\n\n const teacherBuyNowButton = () => {\n if(!customerEmail) {\n return \n } else if (!userIsEligibleForNewSubscription) {\n return \n }\n return (\n \n )\n }\n\n const upgradeToPremiumNow = () => {\n if (!userIsSignedIn()) {\n alert('You must be logged in to activate Premium.')\n } else if (!userIsEligibleForNewSubscription) {\n alert(\n \"You have an active subscription and cannot buy premium now. If your subscription is a school subscription, you may buy Premium when it expires. If your subscription is a teacher one, please turn on recurring payments and we will renew it automatically when your subscription ends.\"\n )\n } else {\n const path = '/stripe_integration/subscription_checkout_sessions'\n const data = {\n cancel_path: 'premium',\n customer_email: customerEmail,\n stripe_price_id: stripeTeacherPlan.plan.stripe_price_id\n }\n\n requestPost(path, data, body => { window.location.replace(body.redirect_url) })\n }\n }\n\n return (\n
\n \n {userIsSignedIn() && }\n {showSchoolAndDistrictPremiumModal && (\n \n )}\n {showAlreadyHasSchoolPremiumModal && }\n {showAlreadyHasTeacherPremiumModal && }\n {showLoginToPurchaseModal && }\n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n